If you are struggling to make sense of your life—past, present, and future—our work together will help you heal and discover the life you desire.
Trauma &
Somatic Work
As a therapist with lived experience, I support and advocate for others who have experienced developmental and/or complex trauma.
Religious & Spiritual Abuse
Reclaim the parts of yourself you had to disown in order to be accepted and loved by the community you grew up in.
Couples & Relationships
Together we will work to uncover what is and isn’t working in your relationship and create new, healthier patterns.
My Approach
My purpose as a therapist is to create and hold space for you to explore the aspects of your internal and external world that create distress. Together we will work with thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the body. What can be a resource for you in the future? What coping skills from the past are no longer serving you? What meaning can we make of your past, present, and future?
If you are in a place of isolation and need, the world can feel like a threat. I seek to meet clients in this place and help them discover new ways of thinking and feeling—to love all parts of themselves.
We have all that we need inside of us, and our work can help you discover it and bring it out into the open.

About me
I am passionate about this work as I have been on my own journey both personally & professionally. Embracing who we are and becoming who we want to be is the great challenge of our lives. I am ready to come alongside you as you find your unique path through internal struggles and relational issues that may have seemed insurmountable in the past.
We can't do it all on our own.
And we don't have to. As you experience safety in a therapeutic setting, you will find a greater capacity to bear the truth of your experience. Give yourself permission to believe, to see, to feel, to know the reality that is arising in the moment rather than bracing to react to it.
Chronic Illness &
Narcissistic Recovery
Whatever your struggle, your experience is valid. Your difficulty doesn't need to fit into one of the categories above. I will provide a safe space for you to be exactly where you are and find hope and healing.
You are not damaged, you are hurting.
As a person with my own experiences of trauma, my focus and goal as a therapist is to provide a safe space for you to experience yourself more fully and deeply.
I value active listening, and when we’re together I will share honestly what I have discovered that may shed light on your circumstances. I am passionate about advocating for and supporting you through your unique process of discernment and change.
Get in Touch
9307 Bay Shore Drive Northwest
Suite 305
Silverdale, WA 98383